When you have strong self belief it’s easier to see all the places your strengths can take you.

Using your strengths can:

✓ Allow you to feel powerful and self-assured
✓ Give you a mental safety net that you can trust
✓ Open doors that otherwise would remain closed

For eldest daughters and women of color,
fear, feelings of inadequacy, family dynamics, and external systems of oppression are but a few of the roadblocks that stand in our way.

But I say it’s time to flip that narrative on its head.

“Who are you?”
I’m a high performance coach & speaker supporting eldest daughter entrepreneurs in using their strengths to create choices and options for themselves that don’t already exist.
I’m also an eldest daughter.

“Why the big emphasis on strengths?”

Statistically speaking, women who use their strengths live more fulfilling lives than those who don’t.

32% experience higher life satisfaction
55% experience higher confidence
28% experience stronger relationships

And, our strengths are natural talents that no one can take from us. 

When I’ve leaned into my strengths its granted me choices and options that did not exist prior.

I was raised by a single mother who didn’t have financial means to send me to college. When I leaned into my strengths of storytelling and writing, I wrote myself into a full ride at a Southern Ivy League university.

Leaning into my strength of connection has granted my a 12 + year career in coaching others

Tapping into my strength of communication has gotten me invited onto numerous stages and allows me to maintain a high close rate on sales calls.

Using my strengths has helped me know which options to pass on, and which options to run at with full force.


After more than a decade of serving as a thought leader and coach in the health and fitness industry, I was ready to light a match and burn it all to the ground.

So I did – in the most civilized way I knew how. I closed the doors to a profitable business and went hunting for what lit me up.

It was by no means a cake walk. It was only after filing through my past stories that I began to see where everything was pointing.

Helping people reach their highest potential has always been my through line, and now I stand on stages and open Zoom rooms to coach people in reaching theirs.

Where do you go from here?

If you know you’re ready to receive eldest daughter-level support and start the work of reaching your next level, apply for private coaching.